Hello all,
This is my first blog and as such probably won't be very good, but i plan on bringing you the best heretical Space Marine content that I can. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself, I'm Jack, I'm 14, I live in Arkansas and I am constantly changing 40k armies. My current army is going to be an amalgam of random Space Marines from different chapters that is going to be led by some form of extremely powerful Captain/Lord who will be from the Sons of Malice chapter (now renegade.) I haven't decided what codex i'm going to use yet, but i t will probably be either the Space Puppies or the Blood Angels, since the Chaos codex wasn't very well made and it pretty much screwed new players (such as myself) over. I do like the aligned chaos units such as the Plague Marines and the Rubric Marines, so you will probably see many "count-as" squads that will simply function as, for instance, an Assault Squad.
Other than 40k, I do play Inquisitor (50mm and 28mm) and i'm just starting to get into the Dark Heresy RPG.
Expect some form of update with pictures soon.
Thanks for dealing with me.